Nursery Staff
feel that a well trained and educated staff is better able to
assist you with
purchasing the plant material and hardgoods that you need to
make your landscaping the best it can be.
That is why we have 3 Iowa Certified Nursery Professionals on
staff with a combined experience
of over 60 years in the nursery industry.

Poulson - President. Jim started at the nursery
in 1980 as a landscaper. In his 20+ years at the nursery he has
done just about everything. His specialty is working in the field
making sure every landscape job is done to perfection. Jim is
an Iowa Certified Nursery Professional in both Landscaping and
Garden Center Specialization.
Poulson - Co President. Shelly takes care of
all the nursery's accounting and bookkeeping.
Westfield - Landscape Architect. Craig graduated
from Iowa State University with a degree in landscape architecture.
He is an Iowa Certified Nursery Professional in both Landscaping
and Garden Center Specialization, and a member of American Society
of Landscape Architects. Craig has been designing landscapes for
Miller Nursery in the Des Moines area for over 10 years. If you
would like a landscaping plan please contact Craig by
E-mail or call
at 515-276-7505.
Casas - Landscaping Foreman. Bladimir started
in the spring of 2003 as a landscape crew member and became the
Landscaping Forman by the end of the year. Bladimir is very good
and efficient at installing landscaping materials including walls,
patios, and plants of all types. He was trained by Jim during
his employment as a crew member and has the same standards of
perfection as Jim does.