Fall Sale! Sale includes 35% off all TREES and SHRUBS and GRASSES. Includes potted and BnB (NO WARRANTY). 1 year warranty when purchased at full price. Planting is available at 1/2 the original cost of the tree. 50% off all perennials (no warranty). See in-store for other discounts.
Premium Cedar Mulch: 3 cubic foot bags are back in stock.

Aronia Berries Packed with Antioxidants

Based on the weather, it’s hard to say what season it is. But the calendar says it’s time for our annual fall sale! … Starting today be sure to stop by the nursery for great deals on all our plants. All perennials and grasses are 50% off. All shrubs and trees are 30% off.

Aronia berries in late summer.

Aronia berries in late summer.

Did you know?

Did you know that aronia berries are edible and packed full of antioxidants? These medium-sized shrubs are native to Iowa, produce attractive white flowers in spring, and have outstanding fall color. Don’t be fooled by the common name “chokeberry.” The fruit is surprisingly sweet! Stop by the nursery to see our selection!