Fall Sale! Sale includes 35% off all TREES and SHRUBS and GRASSES. Includes potted and BnB (NO WARRANTY). 1 year warranty when purchased at full price. Planting is available at 1/2 the original cost of the tree. 50% off all perennials (no warranty). See in-store for other discounts.
Premium Cedar Mulch: 3 cubic foot bags are back in stock.


Summer Color!

Everyone wants a colorful garden. But many people find it difficult to make their garden colorful year round. This can especially be a challenge in the heat of summer. Here are three things that can help you in the quest for a multi-chromatic summer landscape. Deadheading If you’re frustrated by the short bloom cycle of […]

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What is that Plant?!

One of the most common questions that we’re asked at the nursery is: “What is that plant?!” Once spring arrives, dozens of previously unnoticed plants begin to flower. These plants that once faded into the background suddenly stick out like sore thumbs. Naturally, our customers want to know what they are. Since we’ve had such […]

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A Garden for All Seasons

Timing is everything. Or so the expression goes. In a way, it’s true. We rely on precise timing for almost everything in today’s fast paced world. However, the preeminent timekeepers of our planet were punctual long before man had ever conceived of the clock. Yes, our common garden plants have been budding, blooming, and bearing […]

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New Plants in 2011!

We love staying on top of trends in Midwest landscaping, and we love being able to provide our customers with the plants they are demanding. That’s why every year we look forward with eager anticipation to the arrival of varieties that are brand new to Miller Nursery! And as usual, we want our E-Newsletter subscribers […]

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